We appreciate your being a patron of MacDonald’s Resort, our 70th year!
The coronavirus has certainly offered a new challenge for all of us. One need
only do a little television channel flipping to find multiple ideas on how to ignore it,
live with it, treat it, or worry about it. In order to do what we feel is prudent
considering the general consensus among travel industry professionals, we have
made some hard decisions about our procedures and the items that we will
include in our cabins.
Over the nearly 70 years that we have been renting cabins, we have always
tried to improve the cabins and include a total package that makes your stay a
comfortable one. Now though, we find ourselves in a situation where we will be
reducing what we include in the cabins. This reduction is only being done because
we want to protect the health of our staff and our guests. We hope that this will
be a temporary change in our cabin operations. We understand that these changes
will be an inconvenience to old and new customers. To help compensate our
guests for this inconvenience we are reducing this year's nightly charge by $25.00
per night on all cabins. This year’s pricing will be posted on our website.
For the year 2020 we will provide the following:
1. A mattress encasement, a mattress pad, a bottom and top sheet.
2. Special pillows that we can sanitize with laundered pillowcases.
3. Toilet paper and soap in the bathroom.
4. We will include in each cabin, one time: 1 roll of paper towels, 1 set each of
paper plates, plastic ware and cups for the listed occupancy of cabin.
5. BBQ utensils left in the BBQ along with a grill brush.
6. Cable TV, Wi-Fi.
7. We use COVID-19 approved cleaners. We have also purchased special high-
temperature “steaming” equipment to sanitize cabin surfaces.
For the year 2020 you will need to provide the following:
1. All necessary towels, including bath, kitchen and beach.
2. Futon items including sheets, blankets, pillows or towels.
3. Blankets or quilts for beds.
4. Cooking utensils, silverware, dishes, cups, pots and pans.
These changes are being instituted to correct the following:
1. Without dishwashers in the cabins we are unable to verify that the kitchen
and dining items are sanitized properly.
2. We are limiting our staff’s exposure to potential risk by reducing the handling
of used bedding and towels.
3. Assist in limiting our guests’ unwanted exposure.
We are truly sorry, but we feel that until there is a clearer plan for all of us we
believe this is best for everyone’s protection. You should know that we have spent
a lot of time, and frankly spent a lot of money to make sure that we have the
proper cleaning materials and equipment to keep you and our staff as safe as
possible. We think that you will still have a great time here in Bayview.
The MacDonald Family welcomes your constructive comments.